Download our Solutions Brief for HPC

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Woven Systems™ makes it easier to build High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster systems with its 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) fabric switching architecture. Optimized for low latency and delivering massive scalability, the Woven solution allows multiple Ethernet switches to interconnect to form a fabric that scales to over 4000 non-blocking10 GE ports. HPC system designers can now achieve ultra-high performance without compromising compatibilty.
Improved Performance
Woven integrates your storage and computing resources on a single, scalable, high-performance fabric to eliminate the difficulties imposed by proprietary interconnects. For instance, heavy traffic loads create congestion and poor performance in underlying transport networks. If the network node fails, applications running on the fabric could fail because the fabric topology mapping changes, requiring remapping to the subnet manager. Network re-tuning to accommodate a new application is usually a manual, time-consuming process and in many cases too difficult to achieve.
Woven, on the other hand, with its single high-performance 10 GE fabric connecting storage and computing, standard TCP/IP applications and services can run at maximum performance under load. Plus, Woven’s unique vSCALE technology continuously monitors congestion and automatically re-balances traffic to less congested paths without dropping or re-ordering packets.
Balanced Systems
Woven also makes it easier to balance storage, computing, and interconnect resources for HPC applications. If a particular application requires higher network bandwidth, the Woven fabric can be partitioned to guarantee resources for that application. No other interconnect fabric offers the flexible assignment and fine control of network resources for guaranteeing application performance.
Faster System Deployment
Although HPC system designers increasingly use commodity-based hardware to reduce costs and deploy systems faster, the underlying interconnect networks continue to introduce unnecessary complexity, which slows system deployment. Woven reduces new deployment schedules by weeks or months, because using a single Ethernet fabric greatly simplifies building new clusters. No additional IT resources are needed to deploy new clusters and re-distribute computing problems from other systems. Applications can be built on smaller, less costly systems, validated, and moved to a larger system with confidence.